how to apply for vietnam Passport Online
Online passport is a popular option for many nowadays because of how easy, simple and quick it is. But not everybody understands the process and common errors when applying for an online passport. Learn how to apply for one with TrustVisa.


how to apply for Vietnam Passport


According to Clause 3 Article 2 of Vietnam Immigration Law, a passport is a paper used for entering, proving nationality and identity belonging to the Vietnamese government and issued by competent Vietnamese authority for Vietnamese citizens.

Currently, everyone can apply for a passport at the local provincial/city Immigration department or apply for an online passport. Therefore, an online passport is the most preferred option.

Simply put, an online passport is applying for a passport online while staying at home, instead of going to the authorized government department and applying in person there. While the result will be sent back at the address submitted through the online application form.


Vietnam’s Immigration department allow Vietnamese citizens to apply for an online passport at home if they meet these requirements:

  • Valid (with or without chip) Vietnamese ID.
  • Registered and operational account on the National Public Service Portal.
  • Valid online payment process (Visa/Credit card/Paypal…)

According to the latest regulations, children under 14 can also apply for an online passport through VNeID of their parents or legal guardians. This allows the quickest and smoothest children visa application. 


If you are eligible for an online visa, according to Clause 1, Article 15 of Vietnam Immigration Law 2019, you need the following:

  • Online application form according to regulations.
  • 2 portrait photos, 4x6cm, clear, no blemish, look straight ahead, no jewellery, no colored glasses, no hats etc…
  • Valid personal identifications (ID, passport…)
  • Temporary residence paper.


Once you have all the necessary documents, you can apply for a passport online by following these steps:

Step 1: Create an account on the National Public Service Portal: and log in. 

Step 2: Select Apply online, click on the search bar and input passport.

Step 3: Fill out all information field with * in it. Afterward choose an appropriate Passport request which suits your personal situation.

Step 4: Choose the Receiving Department and Destination of your passport and wait for the process to finish.

Be aware:

  • Receiving department: For 1st time issues or reissues due to expiration, please choose the Immigration Office of local Provincial/City where you reside or temporarily reside. In cases where you apply for reissue due to damage or loss, asking for changes, additional information, please choose the Immigration Office of the local Provincial/City where you reside or The Department of Immigration.
  • Destination of your passport: You can choose to receive your passport at the receiving department or at your home.

Step 5: Download Available forms and confirm by clicking Accept and continue, pay all the fees and wait for the result

After these 5 steps, depending on where you send your application, the time it take to process your application varied:

  • With the Provincial/City Immigration Office: 8 working days.
  • With the Immigration Department: 5 working days.

In cases where your application is missing information or documents, the receiving department will deny your request and send you an explanation.


According to Table of Fees and Charges included with Circular No 25/2021/TT-BTC, depending on the purposes of the visa, the fees are as follow:

  • New passport: 160.000 VND/issue
  • Human factors certification: 80.000 VND/issue
  • Reissue passport due to damages or losses: 320.000VND/issue

You need to pay the fees online, the required fees are written in Section 21, Clause 1 Article 1 Circula 44/2023/TT-BTC. TrustVisa provides online visa application services at affordable price and fast, professional application. When using TrustVisa, you will:

  • Not having to fill out the information yourself, reduces unwanted mistakes and errors.
  • Not wasting time checking for progress.
  • Competitive pricing option
  • 99% success rate
  • Works during holidays and weekends.
  • TrustVisa Staff is always ready to answer your questions.

Contact TrustVisa today!

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❓Do you need a visa for domestic flights?

✅Answer: No, a Visa is not mandatory for domestic flights. However you can use your visa to replace your ID.

❓Is there an app for visa applications?

Answer: No, currently there is no application available to help you apply for an online visa. You can only apply through 2 portals:

Through National Public Service Portal or through the website of Vietnam’s Immigration department

❓ Frequent errors that make your application denied


  • Wrong confirmation code.
  • Have not created an account with the National Public Service Portal.
  • Errors with the portrait photos.
  • Wrong information imputed, overdue process
  • Payment errors.
  • Wrong, missing, misaligned information.

❓ What’s the duration of your passport?


  • For children older than 14: 10 years with no extension possible.
  • For children under 14: 5 years with no extension possible.
  • For people with shortened procedures:
  • With shortened procedures passport: No more than 12 months and can not be extended.
  • Diplomatic visa, Business visa: from 1-5 years and can get a one time visa extension of no more than 3 years.

❓ Can a 17 year old apply for a passport?

✅Answer: Yes, 17 years old is old enough to apply for a passport. According to current laws and regulations, there is no age restriction. Therefore even a baby can apply for one if he has a birth certificate.

With the above information, we hope you have understood more of the process, requirements as well as answers to any questions you may have about online passports. If you have any further questions, please contact TrustVisa soon for free consultation.